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Super-massive list of 172 visual explainer books

Super-massive list of 172 visual explainer books


While I read any book like a normal person, great visual explainer books are a weak spot. I think it's the childhood love for comics or creating scrapbooks in school using magazine and newspaper cut-outs. Over the last 10+ years, I have stuffed my study room with massive collection of visual explainer books.

Except for Data Visualisation books, here are all the other 165 of them for your reference:

General coffee table

  1. The tractor book

  2. Timelines of everything

  3. Top 10 of everything

  4. The book of firsts

  5. Visual factfinder

  6. Ultimate family visual dictionary

  7. Liam Wong TO:KY:OO

  8. Namaha

  9. Castles

  10. How things work

  11. CartoonistsIndia Annual 2022

  12. Profile European designers

  13. Grand designs

  14. Redeeming Calcutta

  15. Majestic Jaipur

  16. Why not associates?

  17. Indian style

  18. Life meets art

  19. The psychology book

  20. 5 very good reasons to punch a dolphin in the mouth

  21. Science museum — Planetarium

  22. Patterns of India

  23. The way things work

  24. The way things work now

  25. Lagom — The Swedish art of balanced living

  26. Little Book of Hygge

  27. The Little Book of Lykke: The Danish search for the world's happiest people

  28. Barcelona: 60 local creatives bring you the best of the city

  29. The complete decorating and home improvement book


  1. The greatest stories ever played

  2. Level up! The guide to great video game design

  3. Video game of the year

  4. Getting gamers

  5. Level up 2023

  6. Level up 2024

  7. Slay the dragon — Writing great video games

  8. The world of Cyberpunk 2077

  9. Gamestorming

  10. A history of video games in 64 objects

  11. The 100 greatest retro videogames

  12. Gamer girls

  13. The comic book story of video games

  14. Game changers — The video game revolution

  15. Ultimate gamer career mode

Pop-culture/ inspired

  1. Star Wars — The force awakens

  2. Mad Max: Fury Road Inspired Artists

  3. Stranger things

  4. Batmobile: The complete history

  5. The art of District 9

  6. Iron Man manual

  7. The art of Love, death + robots

  8. Dan and phil

  9. The amazing book is not on fire

  10. Dream the impossible dream — Zen pencils

  11. The art of mass effect — Andromeda

Graphic novels, comics (fiction/ non-fiction)

  1. A game of thrones

  2. The people of the Indus

  3. Sapiens — A graphic history Volume 1

  4. Sapiens — A graphic history Volume 2

  5. It's lonely at the centre of the earth

  6. Sabrina

  7. Username: Evie

  8. Animal Farm

  9. Meanwhile

  10. The hard tomorrow

  11. Creative struggle

  12. Transport pictures

  13. Welcome to the new world

  14. The complete Maus

  15. Akira

  16. Am I overthinking this?

  17. Maybe this will help

  18. Nowhere men

  19. Get naked

  20. Watchmen

  21. Tetris

  22. The weatherman

  23. Ghost world

  24. The art of war

  25. Uzumaki

  26. Death note box set

  27. The MAD bathroom companion

  28. Shit my dad says

  29. More shit my dad says

  30. Malgudi days

  31. Little moments of love

  32. In love & pajamas

  33. The itch you can't scratch

Technical drawing/ reference

  1. How to design cars like a pro

  2. Understanding comics

  3. Unfolding the napkin

  4. Start your engines

  5. Drive

  6. The doodle revolution

  7. The back of the napkin

  8. The cartoon introduction to economics — Volume 1

  9. The cartoon introduction to economics — Volume 2

  10. How to draw

  11. Perspective made easy

  12. Mech in ink

  13. Product Design for manufacture and assembly

  14. Sketching the basics

  15. Product minimalism

  16. Smart product design

  17. Design idea dictionary

  18. The industrial design reference + specification book

  19. Indian anthropometric dimensions for ergonomic design practice

  20. Manufacturing processes for design professionals

  21. Tools: the ultimate guide

Work books/ learning

  1. The test book

  2. The decision book

  3. The change book

  4. The communication book

  5. The sketchnote handbook

  6. The sketchnote workbook

  7. Visual meetings

  8. Value proposition design

  9. Business model you

  10. Business model generation

  11. Introducing game theory

  12. Introducing semiotics

  13. Introducing aesthetics

  14. Introducing buddha

  15. The visual MBA

  16. 100 things every designer needs to know about people

  17. 100 more things every designer needs to know about people

  18. 99 ways to tell a story — exercises in style

  19. Do one thing every day that scares you

  20. Do one thing every day that makes you smarter

  21. Do one thing every day that centers you

  22. Do one thing every day that inspires you

  23. Stats & curiosities

  24. How to travel

  25. Employee management

  26. Employee retention

  27. A year of us

  28. Ideas are your only currency

  29. Am I overthinking this? Journal

  30. Create this book

  31. Creative block — over 100 tasks to get your head into a creative space

  32. Stay inspired

  33. How to write good


  1. Designing brand identity

  2. Super-modified — the Behance book of creative work

  3. The iOS app icon book

  4. Pretty much everything

  5. Industrial design A-Z

  6. Book of ideas — volume 1

  7. Book of ideas — volume 2

  8. PALETTE mini — Black & White

  9. PALETTE mini — Multicolor

  10. PALETTE mini — Neon

  11. PALETTE mini — Transparent

  12. PALETTE mini — Monotone

  13. PALETTE mini — Iridescent

  14. Stagmeister & Walsh: Beauty

  15. Nike: Something's off

  16. Nike: Better is temporary

  17. Swedish design lab (1998 - 2019)

  18. Dieter Rams: The complete works

  19. Soft City: Building density for everyday life

  20. Polestar 2

  21. The design book

  22. Citizen first. Designer second.

  23. Everything I know about life I learned from PowerPoint.

  24. 101 things I learned in product design school

  25. Oh shit… what now? Honest advice for new graphic designers

  26. Yes is more

  27. How to — Michael Bierrut

  28. Guidelines for online success

  29. Thing explainer

  30. Carton design


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© crafted with care & coffee. Please don't copy.