I don’t read book summaries. Neither should you. The following are mostly notes to myself, and are my interpretations.
Found this book lying around the house. Wife had gotten it. The good is that the book takes 10 minutes to read. The bad is I didn't find it very useful. Nevertheless, some broad stroke notes from the book:
The author outlines five simple steps to generate ideas:
Gather specific and general materials: Specific materials could be around the area that you're focusing on and general material is anything and everything.
Intermingle materials gathered in 1st step: Mix and match whatever you can from the earlier step and capture it in 3x5 index cards.
Drop the activity now: And, do something else altogether. Let the activities in 1 & 2 simmer in your sleep or sub-conscious mind.
Come back to the ideas and constantly think about it.
Start shaping and development of the ideas you have shortlisted from the earlier step to test usefulness, need, and such.
Well, that's about it!
I've written a how I think about roles of managers in ideation here.
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