I don’t read book summaries. Neither should you. The following are mostly notes to myself, and my interpretations.
I bought Raving Fans and Gung Ho together since Amazon showed them together. I wasn't sure about the value add initially given the reluctance I have with team building, and team management themed non-fiction. Given the book is super short, I didn't mind giving this Gung ho a shot! This book is about things or rather a set of behaviours inspired from animals that can help one motivate people in an organisation.
By the way, Gung ho is chinese for working together & I think I'm incapable of pronouncing it as intended — Gung - Ho, I naturally tend to yell Gun-Gho!
The book anchors on three tenets of running a great team:
1. Spirit of the squirrel: Do worthwhile work
Work needs to be understood as important — give complete context on work than just making it a task
Work needs to lead to a shared and well-understood goal
Values should guide all plans, decisions, and actions
There should be two types of goals: result goals (where we want to be) and value goals (the impact we're expecting)
2. Way of the beaver: Control how you're going to achieve the goal
Respect team members' thoughts, feelings, needs, and dreams
Discover what people do naturally and adapt the organisation to take advantage of natural behaviour
Get the necessary resources in place and put up a plan
Set clear goals and values, and then let the team members do the work
3. Gift of the goose: Keep cheering
Congratulate and cheer on team members actively and genuinely
Celebrate not only wins, but even the progress
Recognition of work should be specific and spontaneous vs. generic and automated
Keep a note of weekly wins, progress made by the team members and pass a note of encouragement
Celebrate wins more frequently
A quote I loved from the book, "If you're not the lead dog, the scenery never changes."
I recommend this book. Quick read and great analogies.
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