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Ditch the usual. Try something different.

Ditch the usual. Try something different.


Just in the last few weeks:

  • I drove to the Airport to welcome my wife from her 2-weeks long trip. I usually don't do that. That day, I felt like going. I missed her for two weeks. I ended up driving slower than usual, observed more cars and traffic on the road. Since it was a surprise, she was shocked and that happiness on her face gave me something I wouldn't have seen if I were to be in my usual state that day. I have been procrastinating on changing my FastTag for long but that day, I ended up getting a new one near the toll-booth.

  • I usually don't take my car to work everyday. Office is just 450m away. For the last few weeks, I am. I realised how I had drastically reduced listening to music and how it refreshes me for the day ahead. I also like listening to post-rock (instrument and music stage heavy) at super-high volume. With driving, I could do that. I feel great!

  • We typically resort to a good movie over dinner. We watch podcasts, talks over the weekend. This time, we just played some Short on YouTube and continued watching a few podcasts over dinner and some after. Ended up taking some useful notes.

Doing something different, at work or personal life, gives you some perspective, some ideas, and generally… keeps life a bit less boring.

Try some of the following once in a while. You may like it:

  • Take a different route to work and notice what naturally observe

  • Use a random feature on your phone

  • Cook food without looking up the recipe on YouTube or asking anyone

  • Try scribbling with your non-dominant hand

  • Read a newspaper instead of using an app

  • Commute using public transport if you usually drive or ride

  • Don't use any social media for 2 days straight

  • Buy a small piece of electronics (charging cable or adapter) from a local market

  • Sketch something without looking at paper

  • Switch your morning beverage with something entirely different for a few days

  • Take a cold shower

  • Write two paragraphs about everything you remember from your last walk

  • Go for a silent walk. No music, no podcast. See your neighbourhood differently.

  • Eat cheesecake for breakfast

  • … you get the drift!

Some books to read around this idea:

© crafted with care & coffee. please don't copy.

© crafted with care & coffee. Please don't copy.