You love how technology works, how you can learn more of it to utilize it, for better. You keep learning new, useful tools to do more, create more, contribute more and make your presence not just limited to a non shipping stream of workflow. You read, you practice and you practice more.
What does this do to you? You become an addict. Not to coke, coffee, cigarettes, drugs but this whole spectrum of what is apparently, hopefully eventually going to add up a greater value, a more substantial meaning to your life.
What you start losing? A very important part of your life. A mate. You are addicted to your work and so much that you almost can’t figure out what to do when you have days off. You have a best friend with whom you share your day to day and also are craving for the special someone who others weren’t in your past.
You don’t give up and keep trying. You know you are good and you treat every someone you find interesting special. You choose them for a reason and you give them, their mode of conduct, behavior, personality, heart, attitude a chance expecting the same in return. You start liking the tiny, small bits of innocence and stupidity and admire them. You could admire them more if they open up and do more stupid stuff.
You are quite good with upfront and polite conversation and might not be wrong to expect the same at times. But, things don’t work out and you learn what went wrong and what are the bad signs.
Sitting by your table at this hour of the night, you do appreciate your living, your work and optimism towards people.
You’re not an average admirer.
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