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How Randall Munroe created Thing Explainer

How Randall Munroe created Thing Explainer


First of all, if you don't have the Thing explainer book, go and get it right now! It's one of my top five gifted books. Randall Munroe, the brilliant mind behind the xkcd.com comics took a constraint of 1000 most commonly used english words to explain some of the most complex things in the world.

This book was the key inspiration for the Native RO water purifiers explainer book I'm working on right now (to be published only internally at Urban Company). I wanted to explain the day-to-day, kitchen appliance in detail, but in simple, easy-to-understand format.

This post is some of the findings from my research on how Randall Munroe went about creating this book. Hope you find it useful.

It all started with "Up Goer Five," an xkcd comic that explained the Saturn V rocket using simple-as-fuck language.

Research behind the book

Munroe is known to absorb scientific literature like it's the last pizza on Earth. He reads everything. His research process feels like a nerdy version of a crime detective movie). He reaches out to scientists for clarifying any questions or ask new ones.

Once, he consulted with a professional chemist to answer the question about what would happen if one built a periodic table out of bricks of the actual elements. They discussed some of the more gruesome details of what the chemicals would do to each other and then to you (source).

And of course, keeps experimenting too.

Creation process

Munroe created a custom text editor that cockblocked any word not in the 1,000 most common English words. Talk about working within constraints! He'd also start with detailed drawings and annotate with simple text. He rewrote the explanations numerous times until they were clear. Munroe's drawings are detailed AF, complementing the simple text.

It's a beautiful marriage of "Explain like I'm 5" and Pictionary.

Tool of this titan

  • His custom word-restricting text editor.

  • A drawing tablet or those stick figures that somehow explain everything.

  • Old school notebooks to scribble (common between him and Austin Kleon)

  • Scientific Calculator whenever he needed to do some math.

Making my own "Thing Explainer"

  1. Picked up a complex topic I loved: Native M1/M2 RO water purifiers

  2. Researched (and still learning) every bit until my brain hurts. The core team members of Native are working closely to teach each other about testing, assembly line, materials, filtration design, app designs, and electronic components to fact-check.

  3. All of this research so anyone in the company can learn about anything/everything required to build an RO water purifier.

  4. Drawing it out. Because no one will read a 500 pages word document.

  5. Ann, who recently joined us as an Infographic designer, is developing detailed illustrations, composition and more to put this together. All of this so the graphical/ illustrative content can do half the explaining.

  6. Revise and review to test it's absolutely clear.

© crafted with care & coffee. please don't copy.

© crafted with care & coffee. Please don't copy.