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You need less meetings, more work!

You need less meetings, more work!


Cut meetings down. Use async communication instead of interrupting people’s flow with endless real-time check-ins. Trust teams to get things done without micromanagement. Set the initial expectations right. If you're spending time in meetings to give context & doing reviews, try loom. Here's how I saved 100s of hours in design reviews.

An hour packed with uninterrupted focus is worth way more than an hour chopped into chunks by meetings and emails. Microsoft Japan tested a four-day workweek and saw a productivity boost of 40%, largely by reducing interruptions. Your work improves when you’re given long stretches to focus.

If you're meeting more often to plan way ahead, remember… plans are guesses. The further out you plan, the more you’re just guessing. Forget the 5-year plans. Plan by weeks, not years. A three-week plan will be far more accurate than a three-year one.

Once you save enough hours every week, you'll be able to focus more on doing deep work. Get more done faster and better. Have enough time to go home and rest. Recharge for the coming day/week. You'll become sharper and productive…really!

The value is really doing hard work done consistently, with support from the top.

© crafted with care & coffee. please don't copy.

© crafted with care & coffee. Please don't copy.